Me: What did you eat in school today?
Helmi: Something like from the pig inside. Like liver.
Me: Oh, liver casserole?
H: Yeah. It taste so baaaad. I almost died.
Me: C'mon, we've gotta go.
Eemil: Oh! Wait! No! I gotta check something!
*runs into his room*
E: Where is it?! Where is it?! Nooooooooo!!!!
Helmi: Uh, did someone die?
They are pieces of sunshine to me sometimes.
On a more serious note, I've overspent this month. Insufficient wardrobe is not fun. Most of my tops are either short sleeved or sleeveless. I needed to buy more long sleeves and leggings and tights. Omg, and boots and socks and jackets and a lot more. Sigh, winter is expensive.
On the lighter side of life, this was what we did on a Saturday night: light bantering.

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