Bought a Finnish SIM card for €6.90, took a bus to Helsinki, which cost €8.10, called my mom on the way to Helsinki and finished up my €11 worth of credits in 15minutes. Thanks ah, Ma. Half of them time, she talked only.
Mom: *Yak yak yak about my car at home and still arguing about how I did not reply her text msgs* So how's your life there?
Me: Yeah, it's good. I'm going into the city now.
Mom: You're going out alone?
Me: Ye-ahhh...(otherwise? you can't expect the family to take me to everywhere)
Mom: Aiyooo then you leave the kids alone at home ah?
Me: Er, it's Saturdayyy...the parents are home. I haven't been out of the house for 3days, I need to get out.
Mom: Haven't gone out for 3 days must go out now la?
Me: Uh, yeah? There's nothing much to do at home...(and besides, it's a cultural exchange programme for a reason)
Mom: Don't you need to look after the kids or the house? (wth Mom, I'm not here as a maid)
Me: Not really. They're quite independent. Normally, when they come back from school, they'll just play games or go out to look for their friends.
Mom: Go out? How old are they?
Me: 8 and 12...
Mom: 8 years old only wor!
Me: Uh yea, it's pretty safe here. So it's ok for them to go out on their own. They'll walk to school, walk back, cycle to their friends' place and most places nearby.
Mom: But they're only 8!
Me: Yes la, it's ok wan la! It's pretty safe here...(also not like our first graders back at home so kecik)
Mom: bla bla bla...*toot toot toot* *guy's voice in Finnish starts speaking* yadi yadi yada *call again* *guy's voice in Finnish again* OMG WAS THAT 15MINUTES CONVERSATION 11 FRIGGIN' EUROS?! T.T
Mom texted: Can you call home again?
I replied: No.
Hah. No lah, I replied not until I get more credits. I'll see if I can get Skype credits. That'll be cheaper.
Reached Kamppi bus station. Took the metro subway to Ruoholahti. Anu told me I could buy a one-hour ticket that's valid for all metros, trains, trams and intracity buses. I saw no ticketing counter and the escalators to the platform were not gated. So I just walked la. Boarded the metro, no one checked for tickets, before I knew it, I've arrived at my destination (anyway, it was only one station away, which took 2 minutes). Wow, I'm so Asian. I just got a free ride and made dunno about it...sort of.
That's an ice cream stall on the right.
It was a cold day today. I wore long sleeves and wrapped myself up like a bachang. Wore a cap too cos the wind messes up my hair and it's damn sunny. Damn malufying today when the strong wind blew my cap away while waiting for the tram and it landed on the car lane. An oncoming car was kind enough to stop for me to pick it up. That aside, drivers here prioritise pedestrians.
had to do so =( and I'm quite a failure at it
Coming out from Verkkokauppa, I didn't know where to go. I'm so awesome la. I googled about Helsinki, where to go and what's happening, but not HOW to go. But it was an adventure. It's my time to explore anyway. I was totally clueless to even which direction I should go, lest I get lost somewhere far, far away, because looking at the map I was provided with, Helsinki did looked like a big city, although in reality, it's actually not. The map just had too many lines criss-crossing each other and everything was in Finnish. Just too confusing. I spent almost half of my time reading the maps. After a while, I realised, it's actually not that hard. It's quite an interesting adventure actually.
Omg I is so tired. I've been walking a lot here. There are lanes for bikes and pedestrians and everywhere in town is possible to reach by foot. The family has a car for me though. I just need to go get my license translated and then get used to left hand drive. I'm loving all the new experiences I'm getting man.
I've got tonnes of photos actually. Maybe tomorrow. Stay tuned for a long post then. I beh tahan already. It's 3am and the sun is rising. I'd like to get some sleep, thank you very much. Every night, I try to come in to my room at about 10pm, blog, spend some time at the computer but tonight, somehow, at 10pm it felt like afternoon to me. Maybe it's the weekend fever. We have a guest over tonight. Anu's friend. I went for sauna and then they invited me for a salad and wine supper. It was superb. Omg ok sleep. -n-
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