Friday, December 14, 2007


Had wanted to blog a few times earlier but now malas edy la. Besides, quite pointless to post them only now lor. This is one of the few reasons why I need my alone time sometimes. Not like I can blog from the office everyday weh. My boss sits behind me ar...

Anyway, on a happy note, we're adopting Stumpy!!!! And we're going to collect her from the hospital today!!! YAY YAY YAY!!! Stumpy is one of the puppies that are residing at an open car park I always go to. Just opposite my office.

There were 7 of them; 1 kena langgar, 2 got taken away by some mat salleh bitch (a woman not a dog ya) together with the mother, and left the remaining 4 surviving by themselves at the parking lot. They're not weening anymore la, but I still didn't really like the fact that she drove away without leaving any note with the workers there, who sorta takes care of them.

Everytime I go and see them in the evening, these workers are really friendly. They'd help me call the dogs out (cos they like sleeping under the contena) just so I can play and feed them. And then they'd tell me about the dogs and all. Not much has been exchange between us but they're really friendly and welcoming, even if i go there late at night.

There was this time I went to the carpark with K, I searched high and low for the puppies. After a while, this guy, who seems like a Sabahan, came out from the contena and ask "Kak, nak bawak anjing ar?" I said cheekily "Nak tengok...hehe" And he led me to the bigger contena at the end of the carpark. It was raining and the ground was muddy. The dogs stained me but I didn't care. =))) I just adore them.

So, yay! 6.30! Time to go! Picking Stumpy up! Yay! Byes!

*will update later*

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