Thursday, November 22, 2007


You sit behind the wheel wondering, what on earth is causing all these traffic? Ans: arses who move slowly, indecisive drivers, and a bloody stupid traffic light that turns red after 3 freaking cars! WHAT ON EARTH ARE THE OFFICIALS DOING ABOUT IT WHEN THAT ROAD HAS GOT SO MUCH TRAFFIC GOING ON?!?!?!!! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! And I have never seen a traffic police on duty there. I've only seen them on junctions where the traffic lights seem fine and fair to me. Correct me if I'm wrong. But it's schtupid laaaa.

Anyway, have been having gastric 3 days ago. It never got any better till this morning. Diarrhoe came yesterday morning though. Like when I woke up, I passed water through my arseho :P I'm sick, I know.

Went to the doc with K, The Angel, who took a day off to take me to the doc, sent me back to work for the second half of the day, and waited for me to log off from work ;) I'm blessed.

< /ringsinmyhead>
Me: Love you!
K: You bettaahh..
Me: ...
K: ehehe
< /keepsringinginmyhead>

Then at night right, when I was lying down on my side next to K, while we were talking, the gastric pain kicked in again. *Everytime it does, it's damn painful ok like needles poking you from the insides of your stomach cos its juices are acidic* And then K is this health conscious person who insist we sleep on our left sides so we won't get appendicitis. So when I was suffering from the pain, I cringed and I whined to him la. Then he was like:

K: Why? Painful ar? Sleep on your left! Sleep on your left!
Me: This IS my left..
K: Oh yea....
Me: HAHAHHAA...YOU'RE TRYING TO KILL ME ISSIT?! I'm in pain smore wanna make me laugh!!
K: *hides face in pillow*

K and I have this funny thing that happens every other night. We either try to wound, injure, or kill each other. Or maybe it's just me la that he reacts like that as well :P I used to kick him in the groin quite often. Then there was a lapse; I learned how to control my legs movements. Till yesterday I scratched him under the lips with a stray cuticle sticking out from my finger that made him went "OOOWWWW!!!! Cut your nails!!" and made me exclaim "It's not the nail..that's why I said I need a manicure!" and made him reply "Ok, I'll bring you to get a manicure on Saturday but must wake up early ok?" OK!

And then scratched his eye after that while I was adjusting the pillow that he gave me a sien face and screamed "You're killing me!" but I repeated again when I adjusted the pillow again and this time he tried to "Let me make your limbs shorter" by pushing my hands towards my body as if trying to fold it as if it's an antenna that threw me off the bed and made me laughed like a hyena in the middle of the night.

And then he made me hot cream of chicken with maggi mee inside cos we ran out of maggi chicken flavour and I was hungry I need something warm, not oily or contain dairy product. While he had maggi curry =D

Why do I always write so long? Hmm...I wanted this to be a short post. Whatever la.

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