Thursday, December 16, 2010

217: Opi Suomean Opiskelijat

This part of my life goes into my little book called The Story of My Life, under the category of 'Awesomeness'. I came to a new country for a few reasons, but mainly to face new challenges and to get new experiences. One of the challenges was to learn the language, without actually knowing the level of its difficulty beforehand.

Nevertheless, there's always a bright side to everything that happens. In this particular class that I've been attending for the past 3 months, I've met interesting individuals from all over the world. Yesterday was sadly our last class of the course and this season. Sad that such an enjoyable class has finally come to an end, sad that we did not even see our teacher, Ilona, for the last time as she was sick, and sad that we will not be seeing each other so often anymore. But, finales should always be ended with a bang. So off we went to Baker's and there we were, 9 of us, each representing a country or two.

I'll let the pictures do the talking from here onwards =)

This was when we started, when everyone was still sober:

And this was after 'one glass' of drink:

The Mexican & the Cypriot:
Juan Carlos & Andreas

The Malaysian & the Estonian:
Me & Laura

The Dutch & the Finnish-Greek:
Timo & Stefanos

The tipsy French:

Andreas & the Tanzanian, Henry

And the rest, I have no comments. But I will never forget 'Terviseks' ;)

I had an amazing time hanging out with these peeps last night. I didn't even mind paying an extra 5€ for the night bus. Hei, kiitoksia kaikille. Se oli hauskaa oppia suomea teidän kanssa. Toivottavasti tapaamme taas pian. Hyvää joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta!


Anonymous said...

That was one of those moments that you would like to put on repeat mode...well with some breaks in between of course...

juliamoh said...

yes! repeat mode *on* :P