There was no dill in the fridge, so I added whatever spice from the spice drawer I thought would taste great, i.e. lime pepper (lime, coriander & lemongrass), citrus pepper (sitruunapippuri), and a bit of basil. I also added butter and cream besides milk, salt and pepper. Yeah, I know. Cream and fat. Oh, wth. It was hot and tasty.
Think salmon. Think salmon.
Finally Skyped with my mom today, thanks to the brother who's currently home to setup everything and teaching the parents to only accepting a call, cos more steps would confuse them. Turned on the video and the first thing my mom said was, 'Aiyo, face so fat already!' Yea, I did say I gained 8kgs, didn't I?
So yea, I mentioned about going on a crash diet last week, which I know I won't succeed. I was thinking of trying out the cabbage soup diet. But cabbage isn't really eaten in this family, so I scraped the idea the very next morning, knowing well I'll die if I just have soup 3 times a day for a week anyway. I decided to live with the saying, 'Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dine like a pauper'. Along with that, controlling the types of food I eat; reducing carbs towards the end of the day and increasing in protein, fruits and vegetables. On top of that, exercising twice a day; yoga (stretching) first thing in the morning and jogging (cardio) in the evening. I may not be doing it exactly right or a lot, but so far, so good. At least I don't feel 3months pregnant anymore. Let's continue to observe.
O Hungry traveler, thou blog makes me hungry!
hahaha! this is ville, isn't it?!
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