Thursday, October 21, 2010

145: Membuat poyo - a camwhore post

First, I berbuat poyo.

Just because.

No particular reason.

Just wanted to be retarded.

Saje nak buat poyo.

Then I got inspired.

To be even more retarded.

By finger posing!

So I started counting.

But it turned out to be a not-so-easy task.

I had to retake so many times! =(

I'm such a camwhore failure.

But it was fun, just to poke some fun =)


michsue said...

LOL! You copied me! I did the same thing a few years ago and posted on my blog... ;P Babe, I nearly couldn't recognise you now that your face is chubby!

Yay, we're Chubby Buddies now! Well... almost... ;P

juliamoh said...

eh? u did too? when? oh well, sometimes we do/like the same things :P

but this was smthg spontaneous as i was actually experimenting with my lipstick hahaha