It's heartwarming to see Eemil serving his grandparents coffee and bread and all, responding to all their requests and asking them what they need and etc. Not an everyday thing. And he does it willingly.
Sometimes, I feel snacks and drinks in Finland are crazily laden with sugar. Well, can't beat the Americans but still, a lot of snacks I've had so far are sweet; even common bakeries like pulla. And it also seems to me that a lot of Finns like to drink cordial juices than water. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I've decided. I'm going to go on a crash diet and work out more in efforts to lose some stomach fats. I've gained 8kgs since coming here, gained some inches, faced difficulties putting on my jeans and I can't push my bracelets all the way up to my arm anymore, cos cannot pass the elbows =( And my side view makes me look like I'm 3months pregnant. Cannot. Cannot. Cannot.
But it has been so cold lately. It was like 10degs yesterday and I don't have a sweatshirt or a hooded jacket to wear. Oh yea, we also went swimming at the swimming hall yesterday, where everyone gets naked in the locker and shower room. Really, nudity to Finns is natural. Nothing to do with sexuality at all. But still, I was damn shy la. I can't swim, so I soaked myself in the jacuzzi and went to the slide. A bit pointless for me to be there :P I really wish I can swim.
But it has been so cold lately. It was like 10degs yesterday and I don't have a sweatshirt or a hooded jacket to wear. Oh yea, we also went swimming at the swimming hall yesterday, where everyone gets naked in the locker and shower room. Really, nudity to Finns is natural. Nothing to do with sexuality at all. But still, I was damn shy la. I can't swim, so I soaked myself in the jacuzzi and went to the slide. A bit pointless for me to be there :P I really wish I can swim.
You can try the "water walking sport" in swimming pools. Tie yourself in the floating thingy and have hard time walking in water...will not drown for sure :D
Omg I saw those things! Yea, maybe I should try them on next time. Won't drown haha! True that.
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