Did not take a lot of photos this time since we were going on water slides and dipping. I had to keep my camera away in the locker. And then again, it ran out of battery by the end of the day.
I have to admit, the idea of going onto water slides again was exhilarating. Climbing up the towers was still okay. Until I sat down on the slide and looked down. Oh.My.Gosh. My heart skipped a beat. I couldn't believe I was doing this. Then thoughts ran through my head. What will happen in the end? How deep is the pool? What if I drown? I can't swim!
I still wanna bungee jump. Pleeeaaassee let me have my bungee jump before I turn any older. And sky diving. And sky high rollercoasters. And AJ Hackett stuff. And rock climbing. And many more I can't recall now. I hope I won't develop a fear for heights in the near future =(
Overall, the day was fun, although there were the siblings disagreements on which ride to go to, whether to stay or go home and etc. since Eemil is now in his growing up phase, he thought everything was now boring. The rides were nothing extravagant, but Helmi seems to think everything is fun. Eliel just follows the big brother, although he's Helmi's age. He was like the neutral one when Eemil and Helmi argued.
Speaking of Helmi, it's as if everything to her seemed to look fun lately.
When I clean the windows:
Helmi: Is that fun?
Me: You can try.
Helmi: *after a few minutes* I'm tired...I don't want to do anymoreeee
When I cut the leaves off the strawberry, which is a meticulous job, and we had a big box of it:
Helmi: Is that fun?
Me: You can try.
Helmi: *after a few minutes* I'm tired...I don't want to do anymoreeee
When I iron:
Helmi: Is that fun?
Me: Um...it's heavy, and it's very hot :P
When I decorate the cake on the side with cream, another delicate work:
Helmi: Is that fun?
Me: Lol. Um...
Anu: No.
She's so cute lah!
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