Cat is seeking for attention, meowing non-stop.
Uttering one word/phrase to cat repeatedly will put her to sleep.
1. When cat meows, ask "What is it?". Ignore the fact that 'meow' would be the only answer given to you by cat.
2. Repeat Method 1.
3. Add in stare.
4. Cat will slow down her meowing and subsequently lie down on the floor. Continue Method 1 while throwing in Method 2 every now and then.
5. Cat will slowly close her eyes while trying to maintain her already slowed down meowing. You, on the other hand, keep rolling.
6. Meow will eventually stop, and cat will eventually fall into slumber.
7. Pat yourself on the back.
You can bore a cat to sleep.
The word 'No' works just as fine too. Especially after she misbehaves and tries to be cute after all.
HAHAHAHAH. I love this post!!! Reminds me of all the science reports I have to write when I was back in School!!
ashley ar! since when did u change ur username?! i was wondering who is this... lol
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