I miss the guy who used to hold me to sleep every night.
I miss the guy who'd beg and whine for me when bedtime comes.
I miss the guy who called me out for lunch and tell me I'm beautiful today.
I miss the guy who used to kiss and caresses me at night.
BUT I still love the guy who now sleeps on his side of the bed every night and waking up with his back facing me.
I miss the guy who escorted me back home and insisted that I let him in during our first meeting.
I miss the guy who went out all the way just to get me fries at 4am.
I miss the guy who came uninvited to my place and put up (dengan tidak malu-nyer).
BUT I still love the guy who gradually shifted his things into my room and making it his place too.
I miss the guy who stopped me from doing anything that would harm my nails.
I miss the guy who was driving out of 1U, parked the car by the side of the road again, just so he could buy me pillows from Jusco so I can hold them when in the car.
I miss the guy who put a towel over me to keep me warm when I sleep while he's driving.
BUT I still love the guy who now stuff a tissue paper in between my fingers when I sleep while he's driving, and then ask me "Baby, why you holding the tissue?" when I wake up. -_-
I miss the guy who gently stroked me and tell me in the gentlest way that I was blocking his side mirror view.
BUT I still love the guy who now pushes my forehead back and not say anything while he's driving when I'm blocking his view.
I miss the guy who started snoring in less than 2 minutes after closing his eyes...NOT. He still do.
I miss the guy who put his arm around me in the cinema and pulled me close just to shower me with kisses.
BUT I still love the guy who now spoils EVERY movie mood by pulling lame notti one-line jokes.
I miss the guy whom I rejected his self-invitation to enter my dirty house and who said he'll help me clean.
BUT I still love the guy who now comes back from work, (if not for my request to help) goes straight into the room to either bet or shoot fairies while I clean the shit out in the living room...by myself.
hahaha... i love this post... so sweet and hilarious at da same time... ;P u 2 arr... aihhh... dunno what to say, man... hehehe...
but somebody wasnt too pleased when reading it =(
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