I've been working here for a month now. Exactly a month. Nice place, nice people. Unfortunately, unlike Pentago, it's much quieter. Don't know why, in spite of it being half an advertising agency. Maybe it's because it's only HALF an agency, or maybe cos most of the staffs here are relatively new, or maybe just cos the architects of Pentago act like monkeys to ward off stress. Dunno la. Going for lunch also so po-mah.
Speaking of lunch=food, I'm craving for McD's fries. But having two ulcers at the back of my mouth isn't cool..... -_-
Speaking of McD's, I miss the time K drove from his place to Sunway, where he thought it was the most convenient McD's, and came all the way to Puchong, just to feed me fries, which I was craving for at 4am in the morning. But then McD's start selling breakfast at 4am so he bought hash. And a baby Shrek pillow. (Don't ask me why. I don't know either)
Anyway, hmm, wht has been happening lately. Gotlah. Alot of things.
< /startrandom >
'Gotlah' is word K uses quite often. For what reason? Gotlah.
Quite often, when questions he don't really wanna answer due to it's-a-question-I-don't-really-want-to-answer or I'm-just-tired-I-don't-wanna-talk or there-are-lots-of-things-in-my-mind are posted to him, he'll just nod his head and go, "Gotlah" or "Aiyah, gotlaaahh..."
Malay translation: Adalahhh..
Quite the annoying ok? -_-
< /endrandom >
So, partied abit lately, met a few people, did a lil bit of shopping, ear candling and foot rubs, all sponsored by K. Had loads of fun, of course. At the same time, slacking on sleep as well.
As I'm trying to blog at this moment, I'm actually in quite a sleepy mode with nothing to do in the office as the boss isn't here yet. And it's 11.16am. Hmm. Nice place to hang out...work, I mean, work, indeed.... So, there are things I had wanted to blog about but now it seems that my brains are just not working.
But anyway, just some recent happenings la. Like going to Sue's office at 4am in the rain because she was alone there. K had his power nap for about an hour and a half or so before waking up to get ready to go over to her office. Then we packed our stuffs, semangat wanna go zoo the next morning, leaving from the office. K drove, I slept. 5 minutes later, we were at 7-11. Well, it felt like 5minutes la.
Got some munchies and drinks for Sue and us, but still deprived of SKL. Got to her bootiful office but didn't have the chance to see the LOLcats. Only managed to see the photostated copy =( Watched Friends abit...watched Phoebe marrying Mike, and then dozed off on K's lap hugging my baby Shrek pillow. Left before anyone saw us. Met these 2 friendly dogs on my way to the toilet. I believe one was called Princess. Omg, she was so noisy. Kept barking at K. I wonder why. Left them alone cos they can wake the bosses up although I wanted to play with them so much! =(
Went to have dim sum in Kuchai Lama and caught up with Sue. Talked about random funny stuffs while K came in with his lame jokes as usual. At one point, Sue turned to look at me and went, "Wth?" when I was having the same expression as her. Swt. He quickly covered it up by saying, "Eh Sue, I had only 2 hours of sleep laaa...." Haha...
Some funnies:
Sue: *points at bigger table opposite of us* Eh, why they got cloth (over their table) wan?
K: You want ar?!? *looked around to wave at the waitress*
Sue: Haha! No no!
(talking about some other stuffs when this woman who was carrying a variety of things to sell pass by us, one of the items was the red Chinese banner use to hang over your door during happy occassions)
K: *out of the blue, pointed at the cloth* You want that cloth?
Sue: HAHA!! NO!!!
Me: Lol
K: Wah..imagine the table is covered with a red cloth that has got buddha, goddess of mercy and all, and then got tassels hanging from the sides....
Me: *still laughing*
Sue: Haha..it's like those newly weds' bedspread!!
Me: *thought of Li Foong's bed*
Okay, somehow it was funny then, maybe it was really the sleep that cuckooed us :P
There was this time I saw a cat behind K when he was standing up. I got excited but was tired at the same time so I lifted my pinky and pointed to (where I thought I was pointing at) the cat but Sue followed the direction of my pinky and looked at where K *thought* I was pointing at too, which led to him exclaiming:
K: "Eh, excuse me?! Look where you're pointing! Wth?" *frantically pulling his shirt as if trying to make it longer to cover*
Me: No, I wasn't pointing there!
K: It looked like you were..!
Sue: Haha, yea you did! I was like shit, mental image...
Me: -_-"
Lalala. Breakfast well spent. Zoo was quite a disappointment. The animals here are just like us. Lazy arses. But also cos the weather's humid la. Otherwise, why do you think we're lazy and like to sleep in the afternoon and not want to do vigorous activities in the mid-day but only ahem, at night? ;)
Slept in the car for 2 hrs by the roadside after zoo cos both of us were sleepy and was dangerous to drive. I was supposed to take over to drive la but was sleepy too XD
Oooooohh.....I got a new bed!!!! The cheapest bargain in Ikea. Chunted. Comfy!!! Didn't wanna wake up this morning. Gosh... =))) Happy happy :))))))
Ok go look for some work to do.
hahahaha!!! damn... cudnt stop laughing after reading ur post... kekeke... ;P we had fun, didnt we? ;D
yea we sure did ;)
let's do it again
don't simply do it do it lar..
lets do it babeh!
siaper nih hah?
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